Getting involved
In a recent survey, 75% of you said you were satisfied that we listen to your views and act on them. We want all of you to be involved in and:
- have a voice on how our services are delivered,
- work in partnership with us to continue to improve our homes and communities,
- be able to provide us with feedback to improve our services, and
To help us achieve this, we are keen to hear from you. If you would like to volunteer and get involved, we have a number of opportunities and working groups including:
- Newsletter editorial
- Tenant feedback
- Greenrangers
- Digital inclusion
- Financial inclusion
- Community development
If you feel you have any skills that would benefit our commitment to investing in and improving our communities, or want to develop new skills, then please contact us.
There are also other opportunities in Denbighshire to volunteer and be a part of your community. Denbighshire County Council want to increase volunteering opportunities for people and recognise the contribution that volunteers make in improving the health and wellbeing of their communities. For more information about how you can volunteer in Denbighshire click here.