Welsh Housing Quality Standards 2023

Introducing the new Welsh Housing Quality Standards (WHQS 2023) – What it means for you! 

Some of you may have heard about the new WHQS 2023 updated by Welsh Government (WG) in Oct 2023, but what does this mean to you and how are we going to deliver it?

Here are some frequently asked questions about WHQS, which we hope will help.

  1. What is WHQS 2023?
    In October 2023, the WG introduced a new set of standards for social housing in Wales. It focusses on providing tenants with affordable housing of good quality, suitable for the needs of existing and future residents.
  1. What are the main things included in the new standards?
    For us to meet the WG standards, your homes must:
  • Be in good condition.
  • Be safe and secure.
  • Not cost too much to heat. And not be bad for the environment.
  • Have an up-to-date kitchen and utility area.
  • Have an up-to-date bathroom.
  • Comfortable and suit the person living there.
  • Have a garden if possible.
  • Have a nice outside space if possible.
  1. What are the timescales?
    These are the main deadlines that we will be working towards:
  • 31 March 2025:
    • Assess the condition of your homes so we know what we need to do. To do this we will look at the information we have about your homes. We may need to visit some of your homes but will let you know if we do.
    • Create a plan and work out how much it will cost to get homes up to the standards. We must give this to WG.
    • Engage with you and show what we’re going to be doing so you can have your say. We will be working closely on this with our Denbighshire Tenant and Residents Federation (DTARF).
    • Update our business plan to include any improvements and works we need to do  to comply with the WHQS 2023 standards.
  • 31 March 2027:
    • Produce our Target Energy Pathways (TEP) using the information we have got from you home assessments. A TEP shows us what we need to do to make sure your home has a heating system that you can afford to turn on.    
  • 31 March 2034:
    • We must meet these standards.
  1. What have you done so far?
    At the moment, we are working through the WHQS 2023 standards and putting together a plan of action that we can share with tenants by March 2025. We will have more information about this in our Autumn newsletter for you.
  2. How will this be paid for?
    The improvements we need to achieve the new standards will be funded by a percentage of the WG Major Repairs Allowance, other grant funding and tenants’ rents.
  3. How can I get involved?
    An important part of these new standards is your involvement. If you’d get involved and support us implementing the WHQS, then please get in touch on 01824 706000.
  4. Where can I to find out more information?
    For more information about what these include, please visit https://www.gov.wales/welsh-housing-quality-standard-2023-0